Why Us

The global unemployment rate is 5.2% but, it varies significantly across countries, with the highest rates reaching 35.7% and 28% in Eswatini and South Africa respectively. Joblessness and the jobs gap have both increased post-pandemic, but still global unemployment will continue to rise. Growing inequalities and stagnant productivity are causes of concern. The levels of poverty are on the increase especially in third World economies, amidst a global lack of capital to kick start or empower individuals and businesses to sustainable livelihoods. In the light of the above, traditional financial systems are centralised, insecure and exclusive. The Capital Coin project is on-board to provide extensive knowledge and financing needed to empower individuals and businesses Worldwide to financial freedom thus, revolutionize finance Worldwide through digital financing which is decentralised, secure, transparent and accessible as Capital to kick-start or empower users Worldwide through sustainable income generating projects and thus, alleviate poverty. The ultimate trust and sustainability of the project depends on these core values including; Decentralized, Secure, Globally accessibility, Scalable, Transparent, Financial inclusion, Competitive Advantage, Community involvement
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